Heidevolk: New Album
Heidevolk issued an update for their fans: „Brothers and sisters! This summer we will record our fourth opus. The new, as-of-yet untitled CD will be a concept album, featuring nine songs based on the early history of the Batavian tribe. It will be recorded in Nico van Montforts’s XPZ studio in Oppidum Batavorum, Gelderland, and the Abyss Studio in Pärlby, Sweden. Peter Tägtgren will take care of drum production and mixing. We expect to release it in early 2012.”
Ex Deo: Caligula
The Roman legion of Ex Deo has not been quiet by any means… The centurions have been busy putting together the follow-up to the highly acclaimed debut album „Romulus”. The second opus entitled „Caligula” is set to feature the most intense „epic metal soundtrack” to come out in recent history. According to mainman Maurizio Iacono: „The album will once again have the honor of some elite guest appearances. The band promises an album that will shake the metal scene!” Artwork and layout for „Caligula” will be handled by classic artist Seth (Septic Flesh). Some song titles include „I, Caligula”, „Burned to Serve the Nocturnal Light”, In War & Conquest/Roma Caput Mundi” and „Teutoburg (The Ambush of Varus) – Part 1”. The modern day legion is set to enter JFD studios in Dallas, TX and Montreal, Canada with producer Jean-François Dagenais (Kataklysm, Malevolent Creation, Misery Index, Despised Icon) this Fall.
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