
Hot News: Brazilian Metal band SupreMa released today their brand new video for the song „Fury and Rage”

The video which has been receiving many comments by the photos and making of snippets unleashed on the band’s social networking websites, was filmed in the cities of Paranapiacaba and Joanópolis (Brazil) and produced by the experient Nevasca Filmes.

With a careful and detailed production, the band together with the film company used great technological equipment used in cinema and created a short-film emphasizing a drama and horror story.

The quartet’s performance alongside actress Mayra Moura (playing „Serena”) can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fjcjgog9ZA


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SupreMa – Bejelentette új felállását és a 10. évfordulójáról nyilatkozik


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