CATTLE DECAPITATION has begun the writing process for the follow up to 2012’s Monolith of Inhumanity, which has been lauded as the band’s finest and most complex release to date. Decibel Magazine gave the album a 9/10 review calling it „a behemoth of an album; probably the best of their prolific history…a masterstroke of rule-shattering extreme metal worthy of album of the year consideration.” Decibel Magazine also placed the album at #13 on their top 40 Extreme Metal Albums of 2012 calling it „perfection” while the folks at ranked the album #2 on their Best Heavy Metal Albums of 2012.
„Since we got home from THE SUMMER SLAUGHTER TOUR the guys have been hard at work on new material! I actually go in next week to grab a quick run through of the first new track they have completed so I can start writing lyrics to it. I have heard the track and I hate to say anything just yet because we will be spending the next full year from now working on the next album, but I will say the stuff they’re working on is intense. I can’t wait to start writing lyrics to it and so far is in league with one of our current musical aspirations… to make fans of our last record shit themselves!
We’ll be taking a small break to play a few shows in our region with EYEHATEGOD and our friends STRONG INTENTION on their January tour!”
CATTLE DECAPITATION’s next album is tentatively due out early 2015. Stay tuned to both the band and label’s sites for more updates on the new record and future tour dates.
Travis Ryan: Vocals
Josh Elmore: Guitar
Dave McGraw: Drums
Derek Engemann: Bass