Today CATTLE DECAPITATION wants to start your week with a kick in the teeth. Check out new in-studio video footage from the Monolith of Inhumanitysessions — specifically adventures in vocal tracking and additional CATTLE-related fun — at THIS LOCATION.
Comments vocalist Travis Ryan: “”Kids always ask me how I do my vocals and here it is… the vocals studio report for our new album Monolith of Inhumanity. As you can see, polar bear pajama pants and a really stupid haircut really help me achieve those pitches needed to push the melodic high vocals over the top. You will also find there actually are no ‘pirate’ influences in the studio. Nor any ninjas, vampires, zombies or Chuck Norris paraphernalia in there either so sit down, shut up and smell the farts… there’s at least two of ‘em in there if you listen closely…”
In related news, CATTLE DECAPITATION will sever souls on this Summer’s Shockwave Festival Tour 2012, announced earlier this month. The band will be joined by Fear Factory, Voivod, Misery Index, Revocation, Havok, Dirge Within, Last Chance To Reason, Vildhjarta, The Browning and Forged In Flame. Tickets are on sale NOW at THIS LOCATION.
In the meantime, the band is currently bringing their hostility to the stage on the Occupation Domination 2012 tour alongside Origin, Decrepit Birth, Aborted, Rings Of Saturn, Battlecross and more!
CATTLE DECAPITATION – Occupation Domination 2012
w/ Origin, Decrepit Birth, Aborted, Rings Of Saturn, Battlecross [remaining dates]
5/14/12 In The Venue – Salt Lake City, UT
5/15/12 The Summit Music Hall – Denver, CO
5/16/12 People’s Court – Des Moines, IA
5/17/12 Station 4 – St. Paul, MN
5/18/12 The Granada Theater – Lawrence, KS
CATTLE DECAPITATION – Shockwave Festival Tour 2012 Presented By Full Metal Jackie
w/ Fear Factory, Voivod, Misery Index, Revocation, Havok, Dirge Within, Last Chance To Reason, Vildhjarta, The Browning, Forged In Flame
7/06/2012 Studio Seven – Seattle, WA [TICKETS]
7/07/2012 Vogue Theatre – Vancouver, BC [TICKETS]
7/09/2012 The Republik – Calgary, AB [TICKETS] ***
7/11/2012 Pyramid Cabaret – Winnipeg, MB [TICKETS]
7/12/2012 Station 4 – St Paul, MN [TICKETS]
7/13/2012 The Rave – Milwaukee, WI [TICKETS]
7/14/2012 Kool House – Toronto, ON [TICKETS]
7/15/2012 The Armouries – Windsor, ON [TICKETS] ***
7/17/2012 Imperial Theater – Quebec City, QC [TICKETS]
7/18/2012 National – Montreal, QC [TICKETS]
7/20/2012 Northern Lights – Clifton, NY [TICKETS]
7/21/2012 Town Ballroom – Buffalo, NY [TICKETS]
7/22/2012 Reverb – Reading, PA [TICKETS]
7/25/2012 Palladium – Worcester, MA [TICKETS]
7/27/2012 Empire – West Springfield, VA [TICKETS]
7/29/2012 Tebala Shrine – Rockford, IL [TICKETS]
8/02/2012 Nakai Hall – Window Rock, AZ [TICKETS]
8/03/2012 The Marqee Theater – Tempe, AZ [TICKETS]
8/04/2012 House Of Blues – Hollywood, CA [TICKETS]
*** – New Date Added
Monolith Of Inhumanity was released on May 8, 2012 via Metal Blade Records. Produced by Dave Otero of Denver’s Flatline Audio, Monolith Of Inhumanitysees the band investigating inventive new techniques in songwriting without abandoning their signature formula of confrontational audio wreckage. Conceptually, the record revolves around a potent distaste for contemporary civilization and the damage wrought in the name of progress. In addition, Monolith Of Inhumanity features a host of guests including Mike Majewski of Devourment (guest vocals on „Projectile Ovulation”), Lenard Leal of Cephalic Carnage (backing vocals by on „A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat”), The Cephalic Carnage Community Men’s Choir, consisting of all current Cephalic members and alumni Jawsh Mullen and Zac Joe (gang choir vocals on „The Carbon Stampede”), and ambient and noise interludes by Los Angeles’ most extreme decimator of sound, John Wiese.