
Hot News: Nate Hall – Exclusive Track Premiere Hosted By Cvlt Nation

Today Cvlt Nation is hosting an exclusive track premiere of “The Earth In One Cell” from USX mastermind NATE HALL. Following several lauded LPs released under the Neurot Recordings banner, this May the founding USX vocalist/guitarist, will release his first solo full-length entitled A Great River. 

Comments Hall on the track: “’The Earth In One Cell’ has been kicking around in my brain for years before I got it right and ready to record. In a way, it was a catalyst for the whole album, because once I got it done the rest followed quickly. I used a capo on the twelfth fret of my electric guitar to get the chimey string sound. It was a natural song to start the record.”

Check out “The Earth In One Cell,” the opening track to the record, at THIS LOCATION.

Set for European release on May 7 and in North America on May 8, A Great River, which popular

rock/doom portal The Obelisk crowns a “…beautiful and lush work of a songwriter beginning what will hopefully be a long journey,” offers up a lush landscape of pastoral richness. Recorded in March 2011 by Travis Kammeyer at Fahrenheit Studio in Johnson City, Tennessee, the work draws from the lush musical history of America, the melancholy of Appalachia, and harnesses the “electric vacuum roar” of guitar slingers past and present.




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