Fresh on the heels of the release of their critically acclaimed fifth album Book Burner, The undisputed kings of grind PIG DESTROYER have re-signed with their long time record label home Relapse Records.
The band commented on the re-signing with Relapse:
„Super excited to be a part of the extraordinary Relapse Records again! A song comes to mind in the melody of the „Team America” jingle. „Relapse, FUCK YEAH! Once again, signing a muthafuckin contract!” – Adam Jarvis
„Relapse has been a great home for both ANb and PIG DESTROYER since the very early days. We’re not an easy band to deal with but Relapse has been patient, enthusiastic, and accommodating to our headache-inducing schedules, our strict adherence to not touring or behaving like a normal band, and just generally being pains-in-the-asses. We wouldn’t trade that for anything.” – Scott Hull
„I don’t always sign contracts with record labels, but when I do, I choose Relapse.” – JR Hayes
Book Burner can be heard in its entirety on PIG DESTROYER‘s Band Camp Page here.