Rhode Island’s PILGRIM has officially joined forces with Metal Blade Records! Their debut album, Misery Wizard, was released in early 2012 through Alan Averill’s Metal Blade imprint, Poison Tongue Records. PILGRIMmanaged to spend the majority of 2012 rattling the foundation of the underground doom scene. The band toured with Samothrace, Mares of Thrace, Primitive Weapons, headlined the Stoner Hands of Doom festival, and more. At the end of 2012, PILGRIM had the honor of performing at Metal Blade’s 30th Anniversary ScionAV label showcase. Live audio, as well as interviews from the event can be found at scionav.com. Most recently, PILGRIM performed as part of the Roadburn Festival 2013 in the Netherlands. A bootleg from that show is on youtube HERE, and features two brand new tracks.
As the Misery Wizard chapter of PILGRIM‘s budding career draws to a close, the band has begun efforts to craft the follow-up to what became a critically-acclaimed debut. The new album will be recorded in May of 2013 at Emandee Studios, which is the same location utilized forMisery Wizard. More details will be posted as they become available.
„The stars have aligned and our dreams have come true. Its a fucking honor to have joined the ranks of the legendary Metal Blade army. The time has come for our world domination through sonic amplification. Hail Astaroth, Hail Slagel.” – The Wizard
A high quality live bootleg of a new track, Void Worship, from the band’s March 1st show at Saint Vitus in Brooklyn, NY has been made available on youtube HERE.
Krolg, Slayer of Men – Drums
Count Elric the Soothsayer – Bass
The Wizard – Guitar and Vocals
Global accolades for Misery Wizard:
„They plod with vigor, they howl wretchedly, they gnash their musical teeth with glee.” Decibel Magazine
„these Sabbathian hymns to the void are about as close to doom metal perfection as it’s possible to get.” Kerrang Magazine – #43/100 Album of the Year
„Heavy, expansive, classic-sounding sword & sorcery-inspired doom.” Pitchfork.com
„Misery Wizard perfectly captures that time-distorted, red-eyed basement vibe that comes after weeks of loading up on substances and pounding out dark glacial riffs until skins break and valves burn…sluggish, string-bending grooves, hulking tones, emphatic percussion and emotive vocals…” Metal Hammer Magazine
„Their six track behemoth bathes in classic doom and a tad of geekery, and it’s one of this year’s most impressive debuts…The Wizard’s impassioned, cleanly delivered vocals stand out as one of the band’s finer points. He’s a compelling storyteller/incantation master, one who could convince you he’s singing from a secret scroll of magic potions and folklore…For those upset by the Bill Ward free Sabbath reunion? Screw that. Listen to Pilgrim.” 9/10, Outburn Magazine