After returning from the “Covan Wake The Fuck Up Tour 2012” in January, THY DISEASE have begun work on the follow up to “Anshur Za”.
Yanuary comments: ”We’ve begun work on our sixth album in our rehearsal room in Krakow. The writing is going very well, all band members are involved and we are very happy with the results so far. We plan to keep everyone updated with progress with a few video reports from rehearsals and in the studio. You will be able to watch them via our YouTube channel. The only break we will take from writing and recording will be the Woodstock elimination concert, taking place on April 15th in Zabrze in CK Wiatrak club. The show is free, we hope that all our fans can come along and show their support”.
While you are waiting for new material you can take a look at the video report from the “Eastern Conquest Tour 2011” which took in Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.
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