
Az Abiotic bemutatja új single-jét „Molecular Rematerialization” címen a Metal Sucks-on!

Az ABIOTIC április 17-én adja ki új, "Casuistry" című albumát a Metal Blade Records gondozásában. Eddig két izzó szám került fel online meghallgatásra a banda második albumáról. A mai nappal, mikor a banda észak-amerikai turnéját kezdi, az ABIOTIC exkluzívan a Metal Sucks oldalon debütálja "Molecular Rematerialization" című single-jét. A számot ITT hallgathatod meg....

Az Abiotic áprilisban jelentkezik második, ‘Casuistry’ albumával!

A dél-floridai ABIOTIC 2010-ben bukkant fel riffek, szólók, és technikai zúzások tömkelegével, amik végül debütáló EP-jük kiadásában csúcsosodtak ki 2011-ben. Az "A Universal Plague" volt a banda első pár évének felvezetője. Ami rögtön nyilvánvaló volt: John Matos és Matt Mendez gitárosok egy abszolút halálos duót alkottak, és Alex Vasquez basszusgitáros ujjtechnikája egy...

Abiotic – Zajlanak a második album felvételei Jamie Kinggel!

Most zajlanak a felvételek ABIOTIC második albumán a The Basement Recordingban. A banda Jamie King producerrel (Between The Buried And Me, The Human Abstract, Glass Casket, Last Chance To Reason) dolgozik együtt, kinek kreatív ötletei meghatározzák majd a dalok útját. Egy nemrég készült interjúban gitáros John Matos így magyarázta: „Jamie...

Hot News: Abiotic post rehearsal footage for new track!

ABIOTIC have spent the last few weeks preparing for their upcoming Fall tour with death metal legends, Dying Fetus. In addition to usual tour preparations, the band has welcomed new vocalist Dickie Allen to their lineup. Allen, who previously fronted fellow Floridians Dealey Plaza, joins guitarists Johnathan Matos and Matt Mendez,...

Hot News: Abiotic welcome new drummer!

South Florida's ABIOTIC have a busy summer touring schedule ahead, beginning with an opening slot on The Summer Slaughter Tour in Lake Buena Vista, FL before meeting up with Wretched, Allegaeon, and Rivers of Nihil for tour dates throughout August. Joining the band as their new drummer will be Aaron Stechauner, who has come in to replace Andres...

Hot News: Abiotic release behind the scenes footage from upcoming ‘Facades’ video

ABIOTIC recently completed a music video for Facadeswith director Dan Drescher. Fans will recall the band worked with Drescher for their previous video,Vermosapien. The video will be completed soon, and the band has released a making of to give fans a glimpse of the creative process. Watch ABIOTIC's making ofFacades now on their youtube channel: youtube.com/abioticvideo....

Hot News: Abiotic – Announce contest and premiere new song on Total-Deathcore.com!

Surfacing from the heart of South Florida, Miami'sABIOITIC transcends high above the rest with a most preternatural sound. By interweaving well-cultivated musical dexterity and pronounced lyrical finesse,ABIOITIC epitomizes an unwonted entity of unmatched musicianship. In a short amount of time since the quintet's inception in 2010, this ghoulish coterie has made a...

Hot News: Abiotic stream new song on GuitarWorld.com!

Surfacing from the heart of South Florida, Miami'sABIOITIC transcends high above the rest with a most preternatural sound. By interweaving well-cultivated musical dexterity and pronounced lyrical finesse,ABIOITIC epitomizes an unwonted entity of unmatched musicianship. In a short amount of time since the quintet's inception in 2010, this ghoulish coterie has made a...

Hot News: Abiotic debut album ‘Symbiosis’ available October 19th/22nd on Metal Blade Records!

Surfacing from the heart of South Florida, Miami's ABIOITIC transcends high above the rest with a most preternatural sound. By interweaving well-cultivated musical dexterity and pronounced lyrical finesse, ABIOITIC epitomizes an unwonted entity of unmatched musicianship. In a short amount of time since the quintet's inception in 2010, this ghoulish coterie has made a...

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