
Antigama – Stúdiómunkák megkezdése januárban

A lengyel grindcore üzér ANTIGAMA hamarosan bevonul Pawel „Janos” Grabowski stúdiójába, a varsói JNS stúdióba, hogy megkezdje a 2013-as „Meteor” után új anyagának felvételeit. „The Insolent” című új lemezük újabb lépést tesz a műfaj határain túl, új területeket fedezve fel. A zene kortárs, de egyben klasszikus ANTIGAMA lesz. Ahogy a...

Hot News: Antigama – Polish Grind Purveyors Unload New Track From Upcoming Meteor LP

Polish blastmongers Selfmadegod Records have this week posted a brand new track from Meteor, the looming sixth full-length from Warsaw’s grindcore technicians, ANTIGAMA. The third of eleven new tracks that encompass the highly anticipated album, “Prophecy” is a punishing predictor of what the planet can expect when this album makes landfall on...

Hot News: Antigama – Video Trailer For Meteor LP Reveals First Audio From New Album

Progressive grindcore division ANTIGAMA has posted a new video trailer for their looming sixth LP, Meteor, forecasted to impact the planet on May 28th via Selfmadegod. In a fully visual, artistic fashion with no commentary, the video not only portrays the process of venturing into new territory and finding inspiration in continuing the...

Hot News: Antigama – Completes New LP

Polish progressive grind act ANTIGAMA has just completed the construction of their anticipated sixth full-length album, Meteor. Consisting of eleven explosive new tracks, Meteor was recorded earlier this year at Progresja Studio in Warsaw with producer Pawel "Janos" Grabowski (Masachist, Lost Soul) and the final output mastered by Scott Hull...

Hot News: Antigama – Stop The Chaos Remixes Is Out Now

"Stop The Chaos Remixes" is an exclusive release for ANTIGAMA's 13th anniversary and undisputedly their most experimental album. 8 song remixed by the band's befriended fans, artists and producers from Poland: LXMP - PIOTR ZABRODZKI & MACIO MORETTI (ex-Antigama, Starzy Singers, Mitch&Mitch), PRISM - ROBERT GUŁA (Schismopathic), TOMASZ MADRY &...

Hot News: Antigama – Has Entered The Studio To Construct Sixth LP

Warsaw, Poland's cutting-edge grindcore squad ANTIGAMA this week entered the studio to record their sixth full-length album, the follow-up to 2009's Warning as well as last year’s Stop The Chaos EP. According to founding ANTIGAMA guitarist Sebastian Rokicki: “This is going to be the most mature, and at the same time most diverse album in the band’s whole...

Hot News: Antigama – New Track From Upcoming MCD Posted

“The Law,” from ANTIGAMA’s upcoming "Stop The Chaos" MCD, has today been made available to the public. Check it out right here: The band recorded "Stop The Chaos" at Warsaw’s Progresja Studio with sound engineer Pawel “Janos” Grabowski, and commissioned the mixing and mastering duties to longtime friend and prominent...

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