
Hot News – Autumn launch brand new videoclip for „The Scarecrow” exclusively at website of German Metal Hammer!

'Cold Comfort' available worldwide now! Full album stream available! Beginning today, will be hosting the premiere of the brand new video clip The Scarecrow from AUTUMN's new album,Cold Comfort. Surf over HERE to check out the clip! The band comments the video clip as follows: "The Scarecrow is the opening track of our new...

Hot News – Autumn debuts third single Retrospect on Yell Magazine! ‘Cold Comfort’ available worldwide now!

Beginning today, will be home to the premiere of Retrospect from AUTUMN's new album, Cold Comfort. Retrospect is a prime example of the heaps of melody and groove on Cold Comfort. Terrorizer Magazine describes the sound as "Haunting, lush gothic metal the Netherlands that drips with melody." This is one that fans of Katatonia, The Gathering, etc. will not want to...

Hot News – Autumn launch second single „Black Stars In A Blue Sky” of upcoming new album „Cold Comfort” exclusively via Metal Hammer Germany!

Dutch heavy rock collective AUTUMN make a return to the front line with their new album, Cold Comfort, to be released November 4th/7th via Metal Blade Records in Europe! Please surf over to the website of Metal Hammer Germany to check out the second single Black Stars In A Blue Sky. Click HERE! Make also...

Hot News – Autumn announce details and reveal front art of upcoming new album "Cold Comfort"! New song posted!

Dutch heavy rock collective AUTUMN make a return to the front line with their new album, Cold Comfort, to be released November 4th/7th via Metal Blade Records in Europe! This is the band's fifth full-length effort, their third for Metal Blade Records. It offers a collection of striking songs blended into a diverse...

Neochrome, Sanatorium, Agregator, Autumn, Hate Myself – Koncertbeszámoló

2008. május 3. @ Debrecen, Új Vigadó Alig telt el két hét, és újra átléphettem a debreceni Új Vigadó küszöbét, ám most a Metálmajális keretein belül. A felhozatalt tekintve kihagyhatatlan lett volna számomra ez a koncert. Ismerőseimmel lepakoltuk a dolgainkat, majd a pulthoz lépve vettünk egy-egy üveg sört és máris...

Autumn Interjú

A 2000-ben alakult Autumn zenekarral beszélgettünk, hogy mi is történt velük mostanában. Utoljára az idei Chromized Land Fesztiválon, Debrecenben láttalak titeket, mi történt azóta? Hát.. nem mondhatnám, hogy pörögnek az események. Még mindig az albumon dolgozunk, ami And We Trust címmel fog megjelenni kb tavasszal. Hogyan osztjátok meg a zeneírással...

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