Fake Idols
Hot News: Fake Idols reveal video for „One Way Trip”
Only two more weeks until the release of the FAKE IDOLS 'selftitled' Lifeforce Records debut. About time for some more music! Watch the brand new video for the song "One Way Trip" off the forthcoming album HERE....
Hot News: Fake Idols new song feat. Mia Coldheart of Crucified Barbara!
Italy’s hottest new heavy metal export FAKE IDOLS have revealed the brand new track “My Hero” feat. Mia Coldheart of CRUCIFIED BARBARAoff their forthcoming selftitled album debut....
Hot News: Fake Idols reveal album cover and release dates!
Italian hardrock/heavy metal newcomers FAKE IDOLS (feat. ex-members of RAINTIME and SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE) have revealed the album cover their 'selftitled' debut album, which is set to be released on the following dates: April 25th, 2014 (digital worldwide) April 29th, 2014 (North America) May 2nd, 2014 (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) May 5th, 2014 (Rest of Europe)...
Hot News: Lifeforce Records sign Fake Idols
We are proud to announce the signing of one of the most promising metal/ hardrock acts to the Lifeforce Records roster, FAKE IDOLS. People, who are familiar with the Lifeforce Records catalogue might recognize some faces they already know and you're totally right... FAKE IDOLS was formed from the union of three well-known and...
Hot News: Fake Idols – The New Hard-Rock / Metal Project Featuring Members of Raintime, Slowmotion Apocalypse & Jar of Bones
FAKE IDOLS was formed from the union of three well-known and recognized European bands in the hard rock/metal genre (Raintime, Slowmotion Apocalypse and Jar of Bones). The group announced its arrival on the scene with an explosive album that will surely please anyone who loves great songs and killer riffs, showcasing a surprising...