
Haken „Darkest Light” videó

A londoni progresszív metálos HAKEN nemrég bejelentette „Restoration” című EP-jének október 27-es megjelenését. A banda most büszkén mutatja be az EP „Darkest Light” című dalának videóját: http://youtu.be/QHlHs17dQY8 Így nyilatkoztak: „A „Darkest Light” volt az első alkalom, hogy együtt dolgozhattunk új basszusgitárosunkkal, Conner Greennel. Elejétől fogva beilleszkedett, hisz nem csak veszettül jó...

Hot News: Haken begin search for new bass-player

London based progressive metallers Haken released their third album ‘The Mountain’ on Inside Out Music in September, where it was met with rave reviews and garnered praise from Transatlantic's Mike Portnoy, who gave it his seal of approval naming it his favourite Prog album of the year. Soon after release bass player Tom MacLean...

Hot News: Haken premiere first track to be taken from forthcoming album ‘The Mountain’ via Prog Mag

Progressive metallers Haken recently revealed details of the release of their forthcoming third album ‘The Mountain’, which is due to hit the street on the 2nd September 2013. In conjunction with the UK’s Prog Magazine, they can let you hear the fantastic first track to be released from said album...

Hot News: Haken announce release of brand new third album ‘The Mountain’

London-based progressive metal band Haken have been working hard on their third album and follow-up to 2011’s brilliantly received ‘Visions’. Now the band is extremely pleased to announce that the record will be titled ‘The Mountain’ and is set for release on the 2nd September 2013 through InsideOutMusic. Richard Henshall and Charlie Griffiths from the band...

Hot News: Prog-metallers Haken sign worldwide deal with InsideOut Music

After yet another successful year for London-born progressive-metallers Haken, which saw them play Night Of The Prog Festival and tour with Headspace amongst others, the band are kicking off 2013 with the news that they have signed to InsideOut Music for a worldwide contract. Haken’s principle composer, guitarist and keyboard player...

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