Hell Militia

Hell Militia – Európai turnédátumok

HELL MILITIA bejelentett egy sor európai koncertet november második felére. A francia black metál iparosaihoz a svéd underground sátánista KILL és a szlovén ATER ERA csatlakozik. Az út Németországban startol a From Hell In Erfurton (nov. 21.) sötét prédikációja pedig áthalad Csehországon, Magyarországon, Szlovénián, Olaszországon és Svájcon egészen utolsó útjáig, a...

Hot News: Season of Mist news – Anciients, Kylesa, Hell Militia, Koldbrann, Septicflesh

ANCIIENTS Season of Mist is proud to announce the signing of Vancouver metal quartet ANCIIENTS. ANCIIENTS have finished mastering their debut album slated for release in 2013. The as-yet-untitled album sees the gang forging together smouldering apocalyptic riffs, classic hard rock influences and unforgettable vocal melodies with an interplay praising...

Hot News: Season of Mist news – Rotten Sound, Complete Failure, Rotting Christ, Misery Index, Disperse, Hell Militia

ROTTEN SOUND Season of Mist is thrilled to welcome Finnish Grindcore maniacs ROTTEN SOUND to its European roster! The band’s label debut will be a brand new EP entitled “Species at War”, self-recorded at Nordic Audio Labs earlier this summer and mixed / mastered by drummer Sami Latva at Latva...

Hot News: Season of Mist news – The Contortionist, The Casualties, Hell Militia, Chaostar, Blacklodge

THE CONTORTIONIST Season of Mist is proud to welcome Progressive Modern Metal act THE CONTORTIONIST! The Americans broke onto the scene a few years ago and have quickly earned the title as one of the most musically inclined bands in the progressive metal genre. In their brief but accomplished career,...

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