Megaherz bemutatja a „Zombieland” borítóját!
Üdv Zombielanden! Komor riffjeivel, király ütemeivel és kórusaival, mely a „The Walking Dead” hangulatát idézi, a német rocker MEGAHERZ visszatért. Közelgő „Zombieland” albumuk október 27-én jelenik meg a Napalm Records-on keresztül, mely ígérete szerint a banda történelmének egy mérföldköve lesz. Nyolcadik stúdióalbumuk gazdag ütemekkel, a bandára jellemző robbanékonysággal valamint fülbemászó...
Hot News: Megaherz – Release Date, Album Title & Exclusive Tour Presale!
The South German Rockers MEGAHERZ are set to release their eighth studio album Zombielandon November 3rd 2014 in UK via Napalm Records. The new album promises to be a milestone in the band's history and captivates with rich grooves, the band’s typical bombast and catchy choruses....
Hot News: Megaherz Signs To Napalm Records!
German based rockers in MEGAHERZ have announced their signing to the Austrian Powerhouse label Napalm Records! Following their highly lauded break through album Kopfschuss and subsequent critically acclaimed releases, the band is currently working on a new album, to be released this fall on Napalm Records....