
A Relapse újra kiadja a Neurosis korábbi anyagait bakeliten

A Relapse Records jelenleg is zajló 25. évfordulós visszatekintésének keretein belül 180 grammos dupla bakeliten ősszel újra kiadja a súlyos zene látnokainak, a NEUROSIS bandának két régóta nem elérhető lemezét. A Through Silver in Blood (1996), melyet a Fact Magazine nemrég minden idők első számú poszt-metál albumának kiáltott ki, már tíz éve...

Hot News: Neurosis – Begins A New Chapter

Today, NEUROSIS has made an official band statement. “As of today, after much thought and discussion, visual projections as we have presented them over the last 20 years will no longer be part of Neurosis live shows.  “We are going to begin the process of reinventing our live presentation. This process will...

Hot News: Neurosis – New Album’s Opening Track Hosted By Noisey, Vice’s Music Channel

“We All Rage In Gold,” the immense opening track to NEUROSIS’ anticipated Honor Found In Decay opus, is now streaming exclusively via Noisey, VICE's music channel. The six-and-a-half minute behemoth bears some of the most ethereal, organic resonance, as well as some of the most glacial, signature NEUROSIS riffs found on the new album. Stream “We All...

Hot News: Neurosis – Release Visual Trailer For Tenth Album Honor Found In Decay

NEUROSIS today proudly reveals a brand new visual trailer created for their anticipated tenth studio full-length, Honor Found In Decay. Created by video architect Kenneth Thomas, also responsible for producing the mini-documentary for NEUROSIS’ 2007-released Given To The Rising, the intense look into the new opus features intimate details of the album’s layout hand-crafted by...

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