
Nightbringer – Misrule (official premiere)

A NIGHTBRINGER eddig is gyors ütemű evolúcióját sürgeti komor elkötelezettséggel. Közelgő, sorban ötödik albumuk a „Terra Damnata” címet viseli, és legalább egy nagy lépéssel kerül közelebb újabb zenei dimenziók felé elődje, az „Ego Dominus Tuus” (2014) című albumhoz képest – mindezt úgy, hogy közben nem lépnek le a banda által...

Nightbringer új dal megjelenése!

NIGHTBRINER szabadjára engedte új dalát éjfekete új nagylemezéről, az „Ego Fominus Tuus”-ról. Az amerikai ortodox black metál kultusz az „Et Nox Illuminatio Mea In Delicis Meis”-et választotta streamelésre az alábbi exkluzív médiapartnereken keresztül: Metalasfuck (AU) Metal Hammer (BG) Spark (CZ) Metal Hammer (DE) VS-Webzine (FR) Metal Wani (IN) Andfari (IS)...

Hot News: Nightbringer kick off European tour!

NIGHTBRINGER are kicking off their black crusade through Europe tomorrow, Saturday 14th of March in Speyer, Germany at the Speyer Grey Mass. The American black metal underground activists will be joined by SARGEIST, PSEUDOGOD, and IRKALLIAN ORACLE. The last rites on these shores will be performed on March 23rd in Arnhem, The Netherlands....

Hot News: DWP News Digest – Nightbringer, Dødsengel, Serpent Noir, Andramelech, Weapon, Odem

I: NIGHTBRINGER & DØDSENGEL - "Circumambulations of the Solar Inferno". The cover art for the upcoming NIGHTBRINGER & DØDSENGEL split is now revealed: "Circumambulations of the Solar Inferno" is a conceptual split release, based upon the esoteric doctrines of the four quarters of the journey of the "sun" from death,...

Hot News: Daemon Worship Prod. News Digest – Nightbringer, Dødsengel, Arfsynd + new patches!

I: NIGHTBRINGER & DØDSENGEL split release. The New World Black Metal visionaries NIGHTBRINGER are currently recording two exclusive tracks for an upcoming split release with Norwegian illuminaries DØDSENGEL which is set to be released by the end of 2012 via Daemon Worship Productions. The conceptual split will be based upon...

Hot News – Nightbringer: Album Detailed

NIGHTBRINGER's new album "Hierophany of the Open Grave" will hit the stores on August 19th in Europe (September 13th in North America) and is the next release on Season of Mist Underground Activists. Here are the cover artwork and the tracklisting of the US Black Metallers' third opus: Rite of...

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