Tukker Booking ajánló: Az év második tukker buliján újból ellátogat hozzánk a kortárs extrém zene egyik prominens képviselője, a Full of Hell, akik legutoljára júliusban......
Nem kis eséllyel pályázhat az év egyik legsúlyosabb bulijára a március 12- én megtartandó PRIMITIVE MAN / MAGRUDERGRIND kettős, hiszen külön-külön is iszonyat húzónevekről beszélhetünk, viszont maga a tény, hogy a két zenekar együtt kerekedik fel egy laza kis Európa turné erejéig, az első hallásra is megindítja a kemény zenét...
Denver blackened/doom pogánya, PRIMITIVE MAN jövő hónapban adja ki különleges 12’’ EP-jét a Relapse Recordings-on keresztül. A kiválóan elnevezett „Home Is Where The Hatred Is” egy négy dalos lemez, melyet a Flatline Audióban trackelt Dave Otero (Cephalic Carnage, Catherer, Cobalt, stb), 31 aljas percével pedig nihilista, tele görcsös riff áradatokkal...
PRIMITIVE MAN have confirmed that they will be heading to Europe this summer. The blackened sludge trio will hit the road with WAKE in mainland Europe before continuing on to the UK to tour with Opium Lord. The band will also play a handful of dates with fellow Relapse label mates,...
Currently spreading their negativity, hatred and audio wrath to the masses on a short run of roadside assaults, today Denver blackened doom metal agitators, Primitive Man, give back to the community with a bonus track from their critically-lauded Scorn full-length. Listen to "Lifetime" over at Revolver Magazine....
In honor of its imminent release just one week away, today fine ministers of doom at The Obelisk are streaming Scorn, the harrowing new full-length from Denver misanthropes Primitive Man, in its entirety! A blackened doomcentric anger parade that's both physically and mentally crippling, Scorn was initially unleashed earlier this...
The debut LP from Denver's, Colorado PRIMITIVE MAN is now available on 180 gram black vinyl via Throatruiner Records and Mordgrimm Records. Formed by members of CLINGING TO THE TREES OF A FOREST FIRE and REPROACHER, the band evolves into a blackened sludge/doom vein that will appeal fans of bands such as...
Denver blackened doom misanthropes PRIMITIVE MAN recently unleashed a video clip for “Rags,” from their bludgeoning Scorn debut. Recorded by Dave Otero at Flatline Audio (Cephalic Carnage, Catheter, Cobalt etc), Scorn finds PRIMITIVE MAN commemorating a slow-roasted apocalypse through seven asphyxiating hymns of hatred, disease, despair and hurt feelings....
Denver blackened doom nihilists PRIMITIVE MAN -- featuring within their ranks current and formers members of Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire, Reproacher and Death Of Self -- are preparing to unleash the forbidden fruit of their debut full-length. Recorded by Dave Otero at Flatline Audio (Cephalic Carnage, Catheter, Cobalt...
Formed by members of CLINGING TO THE TREES OF A FOREST FIRE and REPROACHER, Denver's PRIMITIVE MAN will release its debut album "Scorn" on 12" vinyl on January 31th via Throatruiner Records and Mordgrimm Records. This album was recorded by Dave Otero at Flatline Audio (CEPHALIC CARNAGE, CATHETER, COBALT) in the band's...