The Dillinger Escape Plan

Hot News: The Dillinger Escape Plan – reveal music video for the album entitled song „One Of Us Is The Killer“!

After every dark cloud, one can always rely on the sun comes up somewhere. After announcing that they had to cancel some of their gigs due to a band member being injured, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN report that they have good news for us after all! They release another music...

Hot News: The Dillinger Escape Plan – reveals first song „Prancer” from their upcoming record!

The american chaos core band THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN released their first song "Prancer" from their upcoming record "One of Us is the Killer". The fifth studio album was recorded in Southern California with longtime producer Steve Evetts (Glassjaw, The Cure, Suicide Silence), with additional production at guitarist/co-founder Ben Weinman's...

Hot News – Season of Mist news: Sólstafir – Eternal Gray – Fair To Midland – The Dillinger Escape Plan

SÒLSTAFIR As previously announced, SÒLSTAFIR recently joined Season of Mist's roster. The Icelanders' new album is entitled "Svartir Sandar" and will come as a 2-disc set. Here are the cover artwork and tracklisting: Disc 1 "Andvari": Ljós í Stormi Fjara Þín Orð Sjúki Skugginn Æra Kukl Disc 2 "Gola": Melrakkablús...

Hot News – Season of Mist news: Sólstafir – DMTMC – Minushuman – The Dillinger Escape Plan

SÒLSTAFIR NAMES NEW ALBUM As previously announced, SÒLSTAFIR just joined Season of Mist's roster. The Icelanders' new album is entitled "Svartir Sandar" and has been scheduled for an October 14th release (October 18th in North America). More news soon! DMTMC IN THE CHARTS AND ON TV Season of Mist is...

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