
A Trials július 24-én kiadja This Ruined World című anyagát

A chicagói székhelyű TRIALS harmadik nagylemeze "This Ruined World" néven fog megjelenni július 24-én. Két, kritikusok által is elismert független kiadványuk – Witness to the Downfall (2011) és In the Shadow of Swords (2013) – után a TRIALS eddigi legkiforrottabb anyagával tér vissza. Kilenc számnyi aprólékosan kidolgozott, megállíthatatlan és előrelátó...

Hot News: Trials Release „In the Shadow of Swords” Today; New Noise Magazine Posts Full Album Stream

Chicago-based modern thrash powerhouse TRIALS have self-released their sophomore effort, In the Shadow of Swords. Available as a digital download or CD Digipak, In the Shadow of Swords features ten tracks of face-melting modern metal of the highest caliber. To mark the occasion, TRIALS has teamed up with New Noise Magazine...

Hot News: Trials – Announces New Guitarist

Chicago thrashers TRIALS have parted ways with guitarist Remy Walle. The band's new guitarist is Ryan Bruchert (CENTAURUS, ex-HE WHO CORRUPTS). The band comments as follows: "As far as the split with Remy, all we can say is that sometimes shit just doesn't work out. We wish him the best of luck with...

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