Hot News – Napalm Records & Xandria Join Forces

Germany’s symphonic metal act Xandria and Napalm Records are proud to announce the worldwide signing of the female fronted 5-piece to the Austrian-based record company. Xandria's upcoming, fifth full-length studio album is scheduled to be released in early 2012. All of the previous studio albums prominently charted in the German...

Megjelent az erdélyi Fading Circles második albuma; koncert a Félszigeten

Végre, valahára megjelent a csíkszeredai prog metalos Fading Circles második albuma, a Cyber Whirlwind. A CD Magyarországon (is) kapható a Hammer Music terjesztésében a következõ helyeken: Hammer Zenebarlang (, Headbanger (Headbanger), Media Markt, Saturn, Alexandra, rockboltok, nemzeti könyvesboltok. Legközelebbi koncert a Félszigeten (Marosvásárhely - Erdély) aug. 28-án (vasárnap) lesz 16...

Hot News – Untimely Demise: Worldwide Re-Release Approaches

Saskatchewan-based thrash unit UNTIMELY DEMISE is preparing for the re-release of their debut full-length, City Of Steel. The hard working trio initially self-released the album late last year, but after hearing the band's powerful anthems, Sonic Unyon Metal signed the young outfit for a multi-album deal early this Summer, and will officially re-release City...

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