Like a snake biting its own tail, time is circular, and with their upcoming tour, UFOMAMMUT further corroborate their own ouroboric tendencies…
This autumn, UFOMAMMUT will excavate items from their pliocenic past, keeping their third eye pointed at the future with the Magickal Mastery Tour; a journey through fifteen years of UFOMAMMUTmusic, performing songs from Godlike Snake through ORO in a new light, as thanksgiving to audiences worldwide for their support and devotion.
In a collective statement UFOMAMMUT commented: „We are very excited to come out and play material from across our album catalog. Whereas the recent focus has been on ORO, an album which we are most proud of, we are looking forward to playing older material also, as it’s been a while! This marks the last tour we shall do for a period, whilst we concentrate on writing a new album.”
Watch the curtains being drawn back on the Magickal Mastery Tour through a visual trailerHERE.
Additional tour dates and a array of supporting acts will be announced over the coming weeks; stay tuned for further details.
UFOMAMMUT Magickal Mastery European Tour:
9/25/2013 Arena – Vienna, Austria
9/26/2013 Stattwerkstatt – Linz, Austria
9/27/2013 Kulturpalast – Wiesbaden, Germany
9/28/2013 Het Depot – Leuven, Belgium
9/29/2013 Vera – Groningen, Netherlands
10/01/2013 The Fleece – Bristol, UK
10/02/2013 Brudenell Social Club – Leeds, UK
10/03/2013 The Underworld – London, UK
10/04/2013 4AD – Diksmuide, Belgium
10/05/2013 Römer – Bremen, Germany
10/06/2013 KB18 – Copenhagen, Denmark
10/07/2013 Blitz – Oslo, Norway
10/09/2013 Luttako – Jväskyla, Finland
10/10/2013 Kuudes Linja – Helsinki, Finland
10/11/2013 Yo Talo – Tampere, Finland
10/12/2013 Nuclear Nightclub – Oulu, Finland
10/17/2013 Progresja – Warsaw, Poland
10/18/2013 Bii Nu – Berlin, Germany
10/19/2013 Keep it Low Festival – Munich, Germany